We are having an own-clothes day on Friday 4th December in support of a Chorley-wide new toy appeal. If you feel you are able to support this cause, then please see below for details. Please note children are not required to bring in toys in order to wear own clothes; we do not want to place any of our families under undue pressure. As with the harvest gifts, please could you leave donations in the allotted spot in the car park and Mr Smyth will take them to St Laurence’s Church where they are being gathered, disinfected and quarantined for the appropriate time period.
As part of The Christmas Joy Project, co-ordinated by Chorley Borough Council, most of the Catholic Primary schools in Chorley, along with Holy Cross High School, St Gregory’s, St Bede’s and St Chad’s, and St Joseph’s Withnell parishes, have committed to collecting new toys for distribution to families in Chorley.
If you want to donate new toys, then please
• wrap them in Christmas wrapping paper
• label them as M/F or N (for Neutral)
• write on the appropriate age range
• bring them into school.
Chorley Buddies, a part of the SVP National Network, will arrange for their distribution to families who might need some help this Christmas. And thank you for bringing some Joy into people’s lives this Christmas!