Children in Reception paid their first ever class visit to Church on Wednesday morning. Father Marsden celebrated Mass with them and Kinga Gray-Grzeczynska, Parish Administrator and School Governor, gave them a mini-tour. They thoroughly enjoyed their visit and learned so much from it.
The children talked about the green curtains and the golden door where the Body of Christ is, behind the altar. They told us about the font, the Christmas Tree, the crib and Arthur the Elf. They were thrilled to be allowed to go upstairs to the organ loft where Father Marsden played the church organ for them. They were amazed to find out about the air coming out of the pipes to make the sound – a bit of science learning too! They talked about the statue of Jesus with cuts on and Mary's tears and about the story of the boy called Samuel told in the homily.
Mrs Singleton said the children were brilliantly behaved and that they can’t wait to return. I would like to say a big thank you to Fr Marsden and Kinga for taking time out of their very busy schedules to host the visit and to show them around Church. Thank you also to the parents who came to help on the visit – very much appreciated.